1 Kings 4:32-33

"[King Solomon] spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. He also spoke of trees, from the cedar tree of Lebanon even to the hyssop that springs out of the wall; he spoke also of animals, of birds, of creeping things, and of fish."

~ 1 Kings 4:32-33

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Support Letter for Romania Mission Trip 2015

To My Friends and Family:

Since October of 2014, I began working part-time for Springtime House in Romania, a non-profit charity which exists to rescue Romanian orphans and widows from poverty and abandonment to combat human trafficking at its source. Being their first American employee, the ministry is indeed quite small in size yet large in vision. I have been amazingly blessed by Rick and Sandy Scott, the President and Secretary of the ministry respectively, as I have worked through their home office to keep their paper work, spreadsheets, presentations, website, social media, and correspondence in order for them.

In July 2014, they gave me the opportunity to meet the families and care homes that I have been working to benefit throughout the past year. It was an incredible experience talking with these guardians face-to-face after months of emails, and the children’s smiles were priceless when I addressed them by name at first sight, knowing them from their bios and photos that I have read and organized. As we have grown as a ministry, we’ve also grown in need for more mission teams to go into Romania in 2015. Rick has challenged me to be the leader of one of three mission teams to go this summer. This will require me to take charge of 10-12 individuals ready to offer their “hearts” and “hammers” to our Springtime House care homes. It also requires me to raise my own support to travel into the country for the week of July 3 – July 12.

First of all, please pray for these families we will be serving, for my health and effectiveness as a team leader, and for the many details of this trip including safe international travel. Second, please consider supporting me financially for this outreach opportunity. The inclusive cost for the trip is $2500.00.  A donation of any amount would go a long way in helping me pay my expenses.

I believe in working hard for donations to make my community stronger both here in Houston as well as in Romania. With the holidays coming up, you may have a ‘disaster area’ in your home that needs to be organized, errands to run, or any other need you don’t have time to meet. Therefore, I am willing and able to complete any need of chores, cleaning, baby-sitting, pet-sitting, etc. for a donation. Please contact me at caitlinfuess@springtimehouse.com to arrange a time for me to help you out from now until July. You may donate based on what you feel is due for the job completed. All checks will be made out to Springtime House in Romania – USA, Inc. with a note in the memo saying it’s for Caitlin Fuess’ Mission Trip 2015. It can be given to me or mailed directly to P.O. Box 17912 Sugar Land, TX 77496. Any surplus amount I receive beyond my $2500 goal will be donated straight into the Springtime House donations account going straight into the care homes we minister to. These donations will be tax deductible as well as a blessing of relief to you in clearing your holiday to do list and beyond into the summer.

I hope that you would consider being a part of the Springtime House Team in supporting my trip. The MOST you could do for us is pray for every detail to be in God’s will. I am planning to revamp my blog in order to connect with my supporters with stories from this past year's trip as well as the process of preparing for this year's trip. Thank you and Multemesc!

Still Growing,

Caitlin Fuess
Administrative Assistant

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